As the summer winds down and students head back to school, September becomes a month of fresh starts and new opportunities. While the focus might be on hitting the books, it’s also the ideal time to begin planning for one of the most exciting events of the school year: the annual ski trip.

At BAC, we’ve spent the last 25 years partnering with local schools, authorities and outdoor centres to ensure that every ski trip is a safe, enjoyable and well-prepared adventure. As the school year kicks off, here’s why now is the perfect time to start planning for the upcoming ski season and how we can help your school make it an unforgettable experience.

Back to School, Back to Planning

September isn’t just about getting back into the routine of schoolwork, it’s also the best time to start thinking ahead to winter activities. Ski trips are a highlight of the school year for many students, offering them the chance to experience the thrill of the slopes, build friendships and develop new skills. However, to ensure the trip is a success, early preparation is essential.

By starting the planning process in September, schools can take advantage of our special offers and ensure that all students are properly equipped for the season. We offer a range of services, including a hire facility for clothing and discounted packages for equipment, making it easier for parents to afford the necessary gear. By locking in these deals early, you can help parents save money and avoid the last-minute rush.

Making the Most of Parent Evenings

As students settle back into their classrooms, schools often host parent evenings.. These meetings are the perfect opportunity to introduce the ski trip and get parents excited about the adventure their children will embark on.

We’re happy to attend these parent evenings and provide a short, informative talk about the essential equipment needed for the trip. Our presentation covers everything from choosing the right clothing to ensuring that students are prepared for the conditions on the mountain. By involving us early, you can provide parents with the knowledge they need and give them access to our competitively priced hire and equipment packages.

Preparing Duke of Edinburgh Groups

For students involved in the Duke of Edinburgh (D of E) Award, September is a key month for planning the year’s expeditions. As part of their outdoor activities, D of E participants need reliable and suitable gear to tackle their challenges, whether they’re hiking, camping, or navigating the wilderness.

We can attend initial meetings to demonstrate the equipment and provide valuable advice, helping students and parents make informed decisions. With our discounted packages, participants can get the gear they need without breaking the bank, ensuring they’re fully prepared for their adventures.

Supporting Local Authorities and Outdoor Centers

September is also a crucial time for local authorities and outdoor centres as they prepare for the influx of students eager to engage in winter sports and outdoor education. If your centre is looking to purchase new equipment for the season, now is the perfect time to request quotes and secure the best deals.

We currently supply equipment to centres in Leeds, Halifax, Nottingham, and Kirklees, and we’re always ready to extend our services to new partners. By planning ahead, your centre can ensure it’s fully equipped to provide a safe and exciting experience for all participants.

Special Offers for Party Leaders

We understand the effort that goes into organising school trips, and we want to recognise the hard work of party leaders who make these experiences possible. That’s why we offer personal discounts to party leaders as a token of our appreciation. By starting your planning in September, you can take advantage of these discounts and make your ski trip even more rewarding.

Get Ready for an Amazing Ski Season

As the new school year begins, take the opportunity to plan ahead for the ski season. Whether you’re organising a school trip, preparing for a D of E expedition, or equipping an outdoor centre, September is the perfect time to get everything in place. We’re here to help with expert advice, competitive prices, and a range of services tailored to your needs.

Don’t wait until the snow starts falling, contact us today at 01422-371146 or email us at to start planning for a successful and unforgettable ski season. We look forward to partnering with you and making this school year’s ski trip the best one yet!